It stands out for RAYA, well Eid ul-Fitr just passed weeks ago. Nothing much happened during those celebration days. I still remember on the 1st of Syawal, my brother and I were on our way to the mosque for Eid prayer and by the time we reached the mosque, we realized that we were already too late. It really surprised me, since it was only around 8.30 in the morning. Last year the prayer started around 9. Thus, we took a corner right after the mosque- we decided to waste our time at the cyber. We met Mok and Pisang on our way there (don't ask me about their names, that's what we've been calling them until now), and Mok insisted all of us to hang out at the playground nearby. According to Mok, that playground had been their official hang-out-spot every 1st of Syawal . Uh that sounds really promising. Later, Jay (he's a new star in the TV3 comedy show Bang Bang Boom!) came over and we talked about how "excited" this Eid going to be. I forgot how many cigarettes we had during the conversation, but one thing for sure- we were so damn thirsty and there was no mamak stall available! Noticing how thirsty we were, not to mention our hunger over food- we decided that it was finally time to go back home. And to my amazement,Odoy passed by with his wife and he gave each of us a "duit raya" after we wished him Eid Mubarak. Whoa that was the first time I got a "duit raya" from a friend :D
At the same night, we had a barbecue session at my granny's house. It was fun since I got to meet my cousins there. We planned to do something different this year- going to the beach and have some fun. The destination was set to Teluk Senangin, somewhere around Lumut. After the session was over, I rushed out to the cyber as usual. I was so happy to see many of my friends were there. Funny thing was, we had to take turns when we were playing DotA since we had more than 10 peoples! After couple of matches, we sat outside and laughed about the funny things happened in the games. I had some tears in my eyes just by laughing. Their jokes really killed me off!
The next day, I woke up at 8 in the morning because we were supposed to depart at 9. To be honest, I was still sleepy at that time. I waited for my cousins to come, since we promised to meet here. God I was so starving, I don't even have the time for breakfast. They reached my house exactly at 9, and we straightly left out for our journey after that. At first, I read some comics that my cousin brought along. He only had 12 of them so it didn't take me long to finish reading it. Next, I found a book (OK I doubt I can finish reading this one since it was so thick!) about Gog and Magog (the other name for Ya'juj and Ma'juj ). I stopped reading the book halfway because some of the context kept repeating on every chapter. The book was actually nice to read, but too bad I was sleepy to fully understand what it was about.
We thought that we were almost reached to our destination, when we noticed that we accidentally mistook an intersection to Damar Laut. It was supposed to be Damai Laut, not Damar LOL! No wonder the road was so scary, pro drifters really going to love the deadly corners over there. It took us awhile to turn back into the right direction and once we reach the beach, I gasped by its beauty. The view was simply breath taking! And we made the wise decision to depart early because there were less people at that time. I rushed towards the white sand- oh it felt so good under my feet. The four of us (actually there was five people including me, but the other one was a girl and she didn't bring spare clothes with her) jumped into the water, the wave was quite big so we decided to swim near the shore. I don't know how long we had been floating (seriously, I'm not bluffing!) there but I stopped when I noticed that my hair already felt like a tree branch! We had trouble in changing our clothes, since there were no toilets there. Sweeeeeet! Once we finished, we hit the road looking for a place to eat. So far, the trip to Teluk Senangin was the only different thing I did this year- such a perfect getaway! The rest, bored like every year and I really don't feel like writing it. Anyway, I'm out.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin =)
p/s: Sorry if the blog sounds boring to read, out of idea. This post had been edited, pictures were uploaded. Why all of them were black and white? I'm already dark and I don't want to reveal it's color ;p
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