Friday, July 17, 2009

Code name: The CLEANER

Uh- "Hello", or should I say "Hi" instead, I'm not even sure. Well that's not something to make a fuss with right? To be honest, my tummy hurts a lot right now. I'm not really that type of person who takes their breakfast every morning on every single day, I'll usually skip it. The reason why, well mainly I'll get stomachache if I eat too early. Yep, that's it- stomachache. So enough about food, shall we? I don't know since when the word "food" itself suddenly becomes a sensitive issue to me, could it be that I gained few weight lately. Bleh!

Well lets see, how long has it been since the last blog I posted here. The last one was dated on the 10th of November 2008. It's not that I don't want to write anything, my brain was like totally blank those time. How I wish I could post the blog like a normal diary, but sadly the juices was not there. A lot of things happened during those time- so much until I hardly remember them. It's a lot better if I come up with a new story instead, rather than wasting my time thinking and thinking what had happened in the past...

I never expect this job would be so annoying in certain ways. You see, I'm doing a part time job at a cyber cafe not too far from where I live every Friday. I don't even know what it's like on the other day but one thing that I'm sure of- GOD I HATE FRIDAY! Most of the customers here are still in school, and they all play the same online game which is Wolf Team. Google it yourself if you have zero idea what's the game all about. Basically, I don't hate the game- I hate those who play it here, seriously. These guys, they come in a pack of- Ho Shit I totally lost the count. It's like counting countless sheep like the one you count before you're going to sleep. And when they start playing, I think they totally lost track how to slow down the volume. And when they start to scream, it gets really frustrating. I don't mean to sound like I'm being racist or anything but some of the Indian customers here always Youtube- ing Tamil songs and this is where another "pollution" starts to spread, they don't know how to play it slowly either. I know I'm in no position to judge your music but why does it has to be so loud? What are they trying to prove actually? Every night I'll usually play Left 4 Dead with my friends here, but we always set the volume high enough for only us to hear. Why can't they do the same thing as well? I don't think I have to approach each one of them and say "Excuse me but would you mind slowing down the volume a bit?". That would be too much don't you think? On top of that, these guys LOVE to leave their messes- things like empty can, junk food, etc on the desk. Worst, they act like nothing happen if their drink spill out on the floor. It's like- a hidden pleasure to them. So my other jobs are picking up trash and mopping the floor when it gets dirty. Honestly, could anyone of you tolerate things like this? When you wants to clean yourself, you know it's time to take a bath. When you are done with eating, you know how to wash your mouth. And when you need to take a shit, you do KNOW how to wipe and clean up your ass when you are done. Basically you are already well equipped with basic, so is it so f***ing hard to clean up your own mess on the desk? I'm hired as a part time cashier here and I do get my salary by the time my shift ends at 6. But those customers don't pay me for that shit, they only pay for the f***ing computer usage! God, what the hell is wrong with people nowadays?!!

Talk about Left 4 Dead, there's this guy with the name Visceral which I admire so much. His skill when playing as Hunter will totally blow off your mind- max pounce damage, insane jump from building to building etc. I couldn't find any exact word how to describe this guy anymore; every moves he made in the game damages my brain cell. In my opinion, he's already way too perfect for the game. Search for "Left 4 Dead Hunter Visceral" at Youtube and you can watch some of his videos there. Here's one of his videos which in 1st person view, and I think I'll stop writing for now. I'm out guys!

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